Ready for Relief?
Eager to move past your challenges and deeply know your place in the world? Are you open to rekindling your passion for life?
Hello! I am
Maria K . Benning
Imagine if you will…
Work that matters
Financial peace
Satisfying relationships
Optimal well-being
Thriving pets and animal pals
Questions that are readily answered
Loving yourself just as you are
A graceful spiritual awakening
Clarity about your life’s purpose
Freedom from limiting beliefs
A still mind and abiding inner joy
Add in your heart's desire...
Are you ready to thrive?
Paths to Wellness
Chances are you have been on a path to health and wellness for a while, but maybe this is your first foray into the spiritual realm known as the Akashic Records. You’re curious about what this is and how it can be beneficial. And you may be thinking, What’s up with that name?
If you’re seeking answers and guidance and are ready to take an active part in the discussion, the Akashic Records can be immensely insightful and transformative.
You might even consider going a step further by learning how to work in the Records yourself. Doing so will give you ready access to this invaluable resource whenever you need it. See the calendar for a list of “How To” classes, and for those of you who are concerned about our planet (and who the heck isn’t?!), consider the Earth’s Record work.
Energy healing is another option (those sessions can be assisted by the Records) and for something in a different (both ancient and modern) direction, we offer temple building classes for personal spiritual evolution.
Offerings to get you started
If you’re not based in Central Texas, that’s no hindrance. Phone sessions are as effective as those done in-person and we can also meet online. More fun than a work ZOOM!
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Give me a call or send a note via the contact page. Relief is at hand.