Roller Coaster

The last months have felt like a roller coaster ride with sometimes wild swings between the peaks and valleys. Ask me how things are going and you’re likely to get an answer that is very different the next time we talk. And I know many of you are experiencing a similar up and down time…concerns for yourself (finances, health, relationships, career), worrying about family and friends, distressing over the daily horrors played out in the newscasts…the list just goes on.

Yet I wish to be mindful of the season and what we’re celebrating and above all, to enjoy the time I have with family and friends over the next days, to be grateful for the many ways in which I am blessed, and to laugh more.

I wish you joy during these holidays and above all, a truly peaceful New Year. May 2013 smooth out for us all. Thanks for being a part of it with me.

©Maria K. Benning, M.Ed.


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