Time: The Vast Illusion

Recently a friend from my Disappearance of the Universe Meetup group loaned me a book called A Vast Illusion: Time According to A Course in Miracles. Author Kenneth Wapnick highlights passages from the Course to delve into a comprehensive theory of time. I found it extremely helpful, really interesting, and feel like I understand the Course better now.

Just a few days ago I came across a video that can be rented on Amazon for $1.99. The format is a bit dry in that it’s a lecture format, but the material that Kevin Todeschi discusses is fascinating, and right in line with A Course in Miracles (Kevin, it turns out, is a long-time student of ACIM, as well as an expert on Edgar Cayce’s work).

I had read some things from Kevin Todeschi before and really enjoyed what I learned, so if you’re into the Records and would like to understand more about how time actually works in these dimensions, I highly recommend watching the video, “The Akashic Records and the Illusion of Time”.

©Maria K. Benning, M.Ed.

Licensed Pastoral Therapist

Sliding Scale Sessions $75-150

Oct. 12: One-hour Akashic Introduction, Online
Oct. 22: Akashic Readings, UCOH Holistic Fair, Austin, TX
Nov. 2: One-hour Akashic Introduction, Austin, TX
Nov. 4-6: Beginning/Certification + Ancestral Clearing, San Diego, CA
Nov. 18-19: Beginning/Certification, Austin, TX


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