Advanced Akashic Records Class

Does it seem like there are so many wonderful seminars to attend, making it tough to choose? I would, of course, like you to choose the one Linda Howe is leading in Austin from October 28th to 30th. I’ll tell you why.

This is not a “how-to” class, though on Friday night Linda will review the basics of how to get into the Records. Nor is the Beginning class a pre-requisite (though taking that class, reading the book, or listening to the CDs will help you prepare). This class is based on Linda’s latest work, Healing Through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover Your Soul’s Perfection. During the weekend, we will explore our sacred wounds as a Point of Power in our relationship with ourselves, to help us heal timeless patterns of self-abandonment and learn unconditional self-love as a spiritual practice. We will dedicate ourselves to liberation from outdated patterns, ideas and perceptions, and these new ways of behavior will last beyond the workshop itself, bringing us a new way of being with ourselves and in the world.

Y’all know that I’ve been teaching Akashic Record classes since the start of this year, and I continue to be amazed by how profound this resource is for me personally, my students, and my clients. Delving more deeply into my Records with such a masterful teacher as Linda Howe is an opportunity that doesn’t come along very often, and will not likely repeat for quite a while, given her rather full book tour next year and past.

So if you’re interested, please let me know and I’ll hold a spot for you. The weekend seminar is $360 and will start Friday night from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., continuing on both Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. And it’s at the beautiful New Earth Center in Southwest Austin. If you’re ready to commit, you can register with payment at:

Let me know if I can answer any questions. I sincerely hope to see you there.

©Maria K. Benning, M.Ed.

Sliding Scale Sessions

Upcoming Akashic Record Classes
Oct. 12: One-hour Akashic Introduction, Online
Oct. 22: Akashic Readings, UCOH Holistic Fair, Austin, TX
Nov. 2: One-hour Akashic Introduction, UCOH, Austin, TX
Nov. 4-6: Beginning/Certification + Ancestral Clearing, San Diego, CA
Nov. 18-19: Beginning/Certification, Austin, TX


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