Ancestral Healing in the Akashic Records

During a BodyTalk session today, I was led to open the client’s Akashic Record before beginning to look for the “priorities” that needed linking. What immediately came up was a rather complex family matrix having to do with a paternal figure in my client’s ancestral line who did not meet his responsibility in that role (abandoned it, in fact, as she soon told me).

What was fascinating was that ancestral healing came up as a priority right as my client is about to become a first-time grandmother. The first couple of links in today’s session focused on severing the former paternal matrix holder and replacing him with her grandson’s father, in anticipation of the birth of her grandson.

It was thrilling to see the way the session flowed with my client’s Records open, and gave us both goosebumps! When I’m guided to do a healing session in the context of the Akashic Records, there’s an added dimension of support that reveals information I couldn’t possibly know, to facilitate healing and balance. And as my client so rightly pointed out, isn’t it interesting how the modalities I studied have come together in my work in the Records.

Through the Pathway Prayer as taught by Linda Howe (and to quote it), when we open the Akashic Records, we really do receive “guidance, direction, and courage to know the truth.”

Come experience this for yourself.

©Maria K. Benning, M.Ed.


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