Great Minds Think Alike

The Divine Mother, Sophia, my primary channeling partner, is fond of saying: “Fake it ’til you make it!” It’s her way of using humor to tell us (me included) that the power of our thinking, aligned with our emotions, really is a powerful creative tool. Our ability to visualize and “act as if” is not simply New Age blather. The Law of Attraction (LOA) is there for us to access and benefit from.

This morning’s little ditty from (these are called “Notes from the Universe”) said pretty much the same thing:

“If you just physically pretend on a regular basis, no matter how silly it may seem, that ‘it’ is yours, that your life has already taken off, and that you’ve found true happiness, a tipping point will be reached, stars will be realigned, and new acquaintances will start insisting, “I don’t know why, but you look really familiar…’

And, it’ll be because their inner eyes already see the legend you are to become.

The Universe”

I enjoy this line of thinking a great deal because it fills me with optimism, delight, and peace. But I know it’s not enough. I’ve also got to TAKE ACTION. Not action for doing’s sake, but action that has a higher purpose, that actually contributes to what I’m envisioning, that feels like it’s supporting the emotions of gratitude and love, and that helps me let go of the need for a particular outcome while contributing to the possibility of something even greater.

It’s the finesse, or discrimination piece of the LOA puzzle, to my mind.

If I feel strongly that my life would be easier with greater abundance, for example, it’s important that I feel that abundance right now (acting as if), that I visualize (in tasty detail) even more of it, and that I do so without attachment to it arriving in a particular way. It’s also important that I quietly reflect and allow some energetic sense of support (intuition, if you will) to whisper to me…such as an idea for how to generate more income by something I actually DO.

Because when I follow through with THAT, my creative juices flow, my excitement ratchets up, and I feel aligned with the cosmos in creating something beautiful from a state of joy and love…through my connection with the Divine.

In those times, I know and trust my own mastery as I actively feed the creative momentum. I know, because I feel so happy…

Let Jah be praised!

Certified Healing Practitioner



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